Richard L. Brown AIA, Principal, Richard Brown Architects
- M. Arch. Yale University 1981
A.B. Princeton University 1977
- Registered Architect, Massachusetts
American Institute of Architects
Boston Society of Architects
- 1988 – present
- Principal, Richard Brown Architects
PROJECTS (partial list)
Cambridgeport School Renovation, Cambridge, MA
Mt. Carmel Church Restoration, Mt. Carmel, CT
MRC Multi-family Housing, Cambridge, MA
Courtside Restaurant, Cambridge, MA
Estow Residence, Westport, MA
621 Camb. St. Facade Improvement, Camb., MA
Estow Renovation, Somerville, MA
Clapham Addition, Arlington, MA
Bokhour Renovation, Concord, MA
Astrue Residence, Cuttyhunk Island, MA
Grassi Storefront Renovation, Cambridge, MA
Pagnotti Addition, Belmont, MA
Donnally Residence, Orleans, MA
Woods Hole Library Addition, Woods Hole, MA
Richard Brown Residence, East Haven, CT
Diffley Addition, Green Hill, RI
Christman Residence, Cambridge, MA
Brown/Sichel Residence, Lexington, MA
Carruthers Residence, Lexingrton, MA
Johnson Residence, Winter Harbor, ME
- 1982 – 1988
- Designer/Architect, Cesar Pelli and Associates
- PROJECTS (partial list)
Yale Center for Molecular Medicine, New Haven, CT
World Financial Center, New York, NY
Arcorp Development, Hoboken, NJ
Pelli Residence, New Haven CT
Norwest Tower, Minneapolis, MN
Richard Brown has had an ongoing fascination with the work of H.H. Richardson and has
written the essay, H. H. Richardson and the Golden Section Proportions in his Architecture.
A full version of the essay may be downloaded as a PDF (8.4 MB).
H. H. Richardson and the Golden Section Proportions in his Architecture
- 2009 – present
- Adjunct Faculty, Boston University
- 2007 – 2008
- Adjunct Faculty, Massachusetts College of Art
Introduction to Architecture
- 2007
- Architect/Advisor, North Bennett Street School
Architect for Carpentry Program
- 2006
- Adjunct Faculty, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Sophomore Studios, Fall 2006
- 1998
- Adjunct Faculty, Roger Williams University
Advanced Studios, Spring 1998
First Year Studios, Fall 1998
- 1996 – 1997
- Adjunct Faculty, Northeastern University
Environmental Systems
- 1993 – 1997
- Faculty, Boston Architectural Center
Orthogonal Drawing 1993 - 1994
B1 Studios (Mid-level) 1994 – 1996
- 2009 – present
- Lexington Design Advisory Committee
- 2009 – present
- Lexington Center Committee
- 2005 – 2008
- Lexington High School School Council
- 2003 – 2006
- Lexington Youth Soccer Coach/Coordinator
- 2000 – 2003
- Cambridge Youth Soccer Coach/Coordinator
- 1999 – 2003
- Cambridge United for Education - Co-Chair
- 1999 – 2001
- Cambridge Green Ribbon Open Space Committee
- 1998 – 2002
- Cambridgeport School Council, Cambridge, MA